When One G Just Isn't Enough
Open for business in Kyle, TX!
Drs. Grundmann, Guerra and Aguilar are excited to bring you quality care at an affordable price. Come see us for your chiropractic and acupuncture needs.
Things we stand for
Treat the Whole Person
Have anxiety? Mention it.
Have trouble sleeping? Speak it out.
Have a strange spot on your arm that always feels numb/tingly? Great, let us know.
We want you to have a great mind-body connection. Yes, please mention all the weirdness.
Maybe we can help or maybe we know the right person for the job, even when it’s not us.
This is wholistic care: we want to know what’s going on with all of you.
Education is #1
(help us help you)
Look in the mirror: this is your body for the REST of your life. It won't always be the same size, shape, or silky-smoothness, but, barring big leaps in bioengineering, it is yours for keeps.
You should probably get to know it.
We get your body for 5 to 60 minutes a visit, but YOU have to live with yourself the rest of the time.
The more you know your body and how to address its needs, the less you rely on us to “fix you.”
G2 aims to help facilitate Temet Nosce, “know thyself.”
You are the Hero
of your own Story
At G2, we don’t fix you, we just make it easier for your body to fix itself.
It was your cells that formed the wonderful, unique individual that is you,
and those same cells are the ones that heal what’s hurting you.
Believe in your body, because even when you don’t feel it,
your body is fighting unbelievably hard to keep you alive.
Supplementation that
skips the B.S.
Tired of guessing which supplements you should take?
Wondering if you are taking high quality supplements that actually:
get absorbed and do something for your body?
Let G2 design your custom supplementation program that gives you what you need, no extras, no B.S.
Feel Better Faster
At G2 we offer personalized treatment plans designed to get you feeling and moving better faster.
BUT, treatment plans aren’t for everyone.
Our ideal schedule for you may not work with your own busy schedule.
For this we also offer elective care:
YOU determine the type and frequency of your care.
Share as much as you can
All of us here at G2 have worked hard for the knowledge and experience in caring for the human frame.
We know not everyone gets to spend 8+ years of their lives learning about the body.
Because of this, we push for free sharing of information.
No highbrow docs here.
We won’t just tell you what you need to do, we’ll tell you why.
115 Kohlers Crossing
Suite #300
Kyle, TX, 78640
(512) 787-3512